Train and Walk
This includes a private 30 minute walk focusing on leash manners, such as anti pulling, anti jumping, leave it, drop it, and target touch. This program includes 1 initial consultation where we talk about your needs. This isn’t just a potty break.
You will need to do Homework with your dog as well when you are on walks together.
You will receive an initial summary of the first few walks, a second summary about half way through your package detailing your dog’s progress and a summary after your last walk in your package. Summaries will include a11 homework assignments.
We include an initial consultation walk with you and your dog to establish objectives and help you choose the right package.
We also encourage you to join us on a walk from time to time to watch how we do it and work on your skills/communication with your dog.
For 20 and 30 Train & Walk packages we include one or two zoom or in person meetings to discuss any homework questions or challenges you are having.
We sell 10, 20 or 30 packages only for Train & Walk.
10 Train & Walk package: $475
20 Train & Walk package: $880
30 Train & Walk package: $1,240
Email us at for information about the Train & Walk for siblings. There may be additional charges for the sibling